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Lumos introduces a Config type for generating script, parsing address, assembling transaction, and more.


import { config, RPC } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos"

// step 1. choose or create a config
const myConfig = config.predefined.MAINNET
const rpc = new RPC("")

// step 2(optional). refresh it at first if the dApp uses upgradable scripts to keep the config fresh
myConfig.SCRIPTS = await refreshScriptConfigs(configs.SCRIPTS, { resolve: config.createRpcResolver(rpc) })

// step 3. initialize to set up dApp


The config is straightforward, consisting of a PREFIX field used for address-related methods(e.g. parseAddress, encodeToAddress, transfer) and a SCRIPTS field for named script(contract) configs.

interface Config {
* - "ckt" for the testnet
* - "ckb" for the mainnet
PREFIX: "ckt" | "ckb"
SCRIPTS: ScriptConfigs

Here's a breakdown of the named config ScriptConfigs.

// a key-value object for named ScriptConfig
type ScriptConfigs = Record<string, ScriptConfig>

type ScriptConfig = {
INDEX: Hexadecimal
DEP_TYPE: "depGroup" | "code"
* The SHORT_ID is no longer in use after CKB2021 address changes
* @deprecated the short address will be removed in the future
* Short ID for creating CKB address, not all scripts have short IDs.
SHORT_ID?: number

Note: the SHORT_ID is deprecated and should not be used after CKB2021.It's included for compatibility with deprecated short format addresses


Lumos uses config with the following priority:

  1. the last optional parameter containing a field config: Config
  2. config set up by initializeConfig
  3. mainnet config

Note: make sure only one version of Lumos in the project to avoid conflicts with default config. Npm overrides, Yarn resolution, and Pnpm overrides are helpful for enforcing the use of a single version of a dependency

Several methods(e.g. encodeToAddress, common.injectCapacity) accept a parameter {config? :Config} to override the default config. If you find inconsistency in your project, please check if you forget providing the last optional config.


Two predefined configs are provided by @ckb-lumos/config-manager, LINA for the mainnet and AGGRON4 for the testnet. The LINA config is used by default. If you want to interact with the testnet.



For testing with the private devnet, the generateGenesisScriptConfigs function can be useful:

declare function generateGenesisScriptConfigs(
genesisBlock: Block
): Record<"SECP256K1_BLAKE160" | "SECP256K1_BLAKE160_MULTISIG" | "DAO", ScriptConfig>

// generate the ScriptConfigs from the genesis block
const genesisBlock = await rpc.getBlockByNumber("0x0")
const SCRIPTS = generateGenesisScriptConfigs(genesisBlock)

initializeConfig({ PREFIX: "ckt", SCRIPTS })

Note: The generateGenesisScriptConfigs only generates config from the genesis block, including SECP256K1_BLAKE160, SECP256K1_BLAKE160_MULTISIG, and DAO. For non-genesis scripts, provide them after deployment


Simple (Refreshing Global Config)

If a script is deployed with a Type ID, it's considered upgradable. After upgrading the script, its config should be updated in the dApp. To enable hot replacement of the config, use the refreshScriptConfigs API before initializing the config

const SCRIPTS = await refreshScriptConfigs(scriptConfigs, { resolve: config.createRpcResolver(rpc) })

initializeConfig({ PREFIX, SCRIPTS })

Advanced (Refreshing Before Signing)

The previous refresh strategy may not be timely enough, as the config is only refreshed once at the beginning. However, the update could occur anytime, even while users are using the dApp. To ensure more timely refreshing, you can refresh the config before signing a transaction using the refreshTypeIdCellDeps function. This function refreshes the cellDeps of the TransactionSkeletonType and is recommended to be called before prepareSigningTransaction:

txSkeleton = await refreshTypeIdCellDeps(txSkeleton, { resolve: rpcResolver })
txSkeleton = prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)

Advanced (Refreshing OutPoint)

If you are not using TransactionSkeleton, the resolver created by createRpcResolver is helpful to resolve the latest OutPoints

const resolve: (outPoints: OutPoint[]) => Promise<OutPoint[]> = createRpcResolver(rpc)
const refreshedOutPoints: OutPoint[] = await resolve(outPoints) // => refreshed outpoints