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Tutorial: Mint and Transfer xUDT From Scratch

Extensible User Defined Token (xUDT) is a programmable token standard on the CKB blockchain. This tutorial guides you through creating and transferring xUDT tokens from scratch.


  • Basic TypeScript syntax knowledge, including defining variables with type declaration
  • Basic CKB knowledge, including Cell and RPC

Initialize Project

The code in this tutorial is written in TypeScript, so it is recommended to use a CLI tool that supports running TypeScript directly without transpiling, such as Bun.

Create Project Directory and Initialize

mkdir xudt-from-scratch
cd xudt-from-scratch
bun init -y
# try running the ts file created by default
bun index.ts
# based on the @ckb-lumos/lumos@0.0.0-canary-84521a5-20240530061434
bun install @ckb-lumos/lumos@canary

Generate a Private Key

We'll need a private key to act as the owner of the minted xUDT. Run the following command to generate a random private key:

openssl rand -hex 32

Save the displayed key. You'll need it later.

Setup index.ts

Let's set up the demo for configuration and importing library used later

import type { Cell, Script, CellDep } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos"
import { config, hd, Indexer, RPC } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos"
import { bytes, BytesLike, Uint128 } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos/codec"
import { common } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos/common-scripts"
import { ScriptConfig } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos/config"
import { addCellDep, cellHelper, encodeToAddress, sealTransaction, TransactionSkeleton } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos/helpers"
import { computeScriptHash } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos/utils"

// to work with the testnet
// indexer for cell provider
const indexer = new Indexer("")
// rpc to interact with the CKB node
const rpc = new RPC("")

// paste the generated key for the owner
const ownerPrivateKey = "<0x paste the key here>"

// script config that will be used later
const { XUDT, SECP256K1_BLAKE160 } = config.TESTNET.SCRIPTS

const ownerLockScript = createScript(SECP256K1_BLAKE160, hd.key.privateKeyToBlake160(ownerPrivateKey))
const ownerAddress = encodeToAddress(ownerLockScript)

// a helper to create a Script from a ScriptConfig
function createScript(config: ScriptConfig, args: BytesLike): Script {
return { codeHash: config.CODE_HASH, hashType: config.HASH_TYPE, args: bytes.hexify(args) }

// a helper to crete a CellDep from a ScriptConfig
function createCellDep(config: ScriptConfig): CellDep {
return { depType: config.DEP_TYPE, outPoint: { txHash: config.TX_HASH, index: config.INDEX } }


To mint xUDT, a lock script is required to be treated an owner, and the xUDT can be minted when the owner script in the inputs (or in the witness.outputType).

The mint transaction is like the following

- owner:
lock: unlimited
- minted_cell:
lock: receiver_lock
code_hash: xudt_code_hash
type: xudt_type
args: owner_lock_code_hash(32 bytes)
data: xudt_amount_u128
- owner_change_cell

Let's start coding to build the above mint transaction

async function mint() {
console.log("Please Claim some testnet CKB first from")
console.log("Your owner address:", ownerAddress)

// 1. Create the xUDT Type Script
// This script defines the structure of the xUDT token.
const xudtTypeScript = createScript(XUDT, computeScriptHash(ownerLockScript))

// 2. Define Cell Provider (Optional)
// This helps filter out unnecessary cells during transaction building.
const cellProvider: TransactionSkeletonType["cellProvider"] = {
collector: (query) => indexer.collector({ type: "empty", data: "0x", ...query }),

// 3. Create Transaction Skeleton
// This is the base structure for our transaction.
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider })

// 4. Create Minted Cell with Amount
// This defines the cell that will hold the minted xUDT tokens.
const mintCell = cellHelper.create({
lock: ownerLockScript, // The owner (you) controls this cell.
type: xudtTypeScript, // This cell holds xUDT tokens.
data: Uint128.pack(10000), // Set the initial amount of xUDT to mint (10000).

// 5. Add xUDT Script Dependency
txSkeleton = addCellDep(txSkeleton, createCellDep(XUDT))

// 6. Inject Capacity for Minted Cell
txSkeleton = await common.injectCapacity(txSkeleton, [ownerAddress], mintCell.cellOutput.capacity)

// 7. Add Minted Cell to Outputs
// Specify the minted cell as part of the transaction outputs.
txSkeleton = txSkeleton.update("outputs", (outputs) => outputs.push(mintCell))

// 8. Pay Transaction Fee
// Allocate CKB for transaction fees.
// see also
txSkeleton = await common.payFeeByFeeRate(txSkeleton, [ownerAddress], 1000)

// 9. Prepare Signing Entries and Sign
// Prepare transaction data for signing and sign it with your private key.
txSkeleton = common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)
const signatures = txSkeleton
.map(({ message }) => hd.key.signRecoverable(message, ownerPrivateKey))

// 10. Broadcast Transaction
// Send the signed transaction to the CKB node.
const signedTransaction = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, signatures)
const txHash = await rpc.sendTransaction(signedTransaction)

After broadcasting successfully, the transaction can be found in the explorer, and here is a mint example on the CKB testnet explorer


Let's transfer the minted xUDT cell to Alice. The transaction is also pretty straightforward

- minted_cell:
lock: owner_lock
type: xudt
data: amount
- fee_cell:
lock: unlimited
- minted_cell:
lock: alice
type: xudt
data: amount
- fee_cell_change:
lock: unlimited
async function transfer() {
const xudtTypeScript = createScript(XUDT, computeScriptHash(ownerLockScript))

const cellProvider: TransactionSkeletonType["cellProvider"] = {
collector: (query) => indexer.collector({ type: "empty", data: "0x", ...query }),

const alicePrivateKey = "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
const aliceLock = createScript(SECP256K1_BLAKE160, hd.key.privateKeyToBlake160(alicePrivateKey))

// 1. Collect Minted xUDT Cell
// Find the xUDT cell owned by you (based on owner lock script).
const xudtCollector = indexer.collector({ type: xudtTypeScript, lock: ownerLockScript })

let transferCell: Cell | undefined

for await (const cell of xudtCollector.collect()) {
transferCell = cell
// Collect only one (assuming you have only one minted xUDT cell).

if (!transferCell) {
throw new Error("Owner do not have an xUDT cell yet, please call mint first")

const transferAmount = Uint128.unpack(
console.log("Transfer to Alice", transferAmount.toNumber(), "xUDT")

// 2. Create Transaction Skeleton
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider })

// 3. Add xUDT Script Dependency
txSkeleton = addCellDep(txSkeleton, createCellDep(XUDT))

// 4. Set Up Input Cell (Transfer Cell)
// Include the minted xUDT cell as both input and output (for transfer).
txSkeleton = await common.setupInputCell(txSkeleton, transferCell)

// 5. Update Output Cell Lock to Alice's Lock
// Change the ownership of the minted xUDT cell to Alice's lock.
txSkeleton = txSkeleton.update("outputs", (outputs) =>
outputs.update(0, (cell) => ({ ...cell!, cellOutput: { ...cell!.cellOutput, lock: aliceLock } }))

// the following process is the same with mint to broadcast the transaction
txSkeleton = await common.payFeeByFeeRate(txSkeleton, [ownerAddress], 1000)
txSkeleton = common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)

const signatures = txSkeleton
.map(({ message }) => hd.key.signRecoverable(message, ownerPrivateKey))

const signed = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, signatures)
const txHash = await rpc.sendTransaction(signed)

Here is the transfer example in the explorer

Mint with Extension Script

xUDT introduces a new way to mint token. The new way allows the owner script as an extension script in the witness instead of in the inputs. This is useful to avoid cell congestion, so users are able to mint tokens in parallel. The mint transaction structure looks like this:

- capacity_provider_cell:
lock: unlimited
- capacity_change_cell:
lock: unlimited
- minted_cell:
lock: receiver_lock
code_hash: xudt_code_hash
type: xudt_type
args: owner_lock_code_hash(32 bytes)
data: xudt_amount_u128
- witness_args:
output_type: owner_script
async function mintViaExtensionScript() {
// An always-success extension script.
// You can compile it yourself from
// we use the script to demonstrate how to use Lumos to mint xUDT with the extension script
const ALWAYS_SUCCESS_EXTENSION: ScriptConfig = {
CODE_HASH: "0xea8ee0b1e932802224f6462f57b34110907357ac35d0952383d550820e1205d1",
HASH_TYPE: "type",
TX_HASH: "0x5681d80387af77a096aa1386dbe3ba7b44a3302e62cc0f832ea51869bc5a614c",
INDEX: "0x0",
DEP_TYPE: "code",

// Reuse the owner defined above
const receiverLock = ownerLockScript
const receiverAddress = encodeToAddress(receiverLock)

// 🌟 1. Define the schema for extension script
const ScriptVec = vector(blockchain.Script)
const ScriptVecOpt = option(ScriptVec)
const XudtWitnessInput = table(
ownerScript: blockchain.ScriptOpt,
ownerSignature: blockchain.BytesOpt,
rawExtensionData: ScriptVecOpt,
extensionData: blockchain.BytesVec,
["ownerScript", "ownerSignature", "rawExtensionData", "extensionData"]

// 🌟2. Create the Owner Lock Script
// The owner script will be set into witness instead of inputs
const extensionOwnerScript = createScript(ALWAYS_SUCCESS_EXTENSION, "0x")

// 🌟3. Create the xUDT Type Script
const xudtTypeScript = createScript(XUDT, computeScriptHash(extensionOwnerScript))

// 4. Create Minted Cell with Amount
const mintCell: Cell = cellHelper.create({
lock: receiverLock,
type: xudtTypeScript,
data: Uint128.pack(10000),

// 5. Create Transaction Skeleton
const cellProvider: TransactionSkeletonType["cellProvider"] = {
collector: (query) => indexer.collector({ type: "empty", data: "0x", ...query }),
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider })

// 6. Add xUDT Script and Owner Extension Script Dependency
txSkeleton = addCellDep(txSkeleton, createCellDep(XUDT))
txSkeleton = addCellDep(txSkeleton, createCellDep(ALWAYS_SUCCESS_EXTENSION))

// 7. Inject Capacity for Minted Cell
txSkeleton = await common.injectCapacity(txSkeleton, [receiverAddress], mintCell.cellOutput.capacity)

// 8. Add Minted Cell to Outputs
txSkeleton = txSkeleton.update("outputs", (outputs) => outputs.push(mintCell))

// 🌟9. Set the Extension Owner Script into witnesses
txSkeleton = txSkeleton.update("witnesses", (witnesses) => {
const witnessOutputType = XudtWitnessInput.pack({ ownerScript: extensionOwnerScript, extensionData: [] })
const mintCellIndex = txSkeleton.get("outputs").size - 1
return witnesses.set(mintCellIndex, hexify(WitnessArgs.pack({ outputType: witnessOutputType })))

// the following process is the same with mint to broadcast the transaction
txSkeleton = await common.payFeeByFeeRate(txSkeleton, [ownerAddress], 1000)
txSkeleton = common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)

const signatures = txSkeleton
.map(({ message }) => hd.key.signRecoverable(message, ownerPrivateKey))

const signed = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, signatures)
const txHash = await rpc.sendTransaction(signed)

You can check the mint via extension script example in the explorer.